Trick to increase facebook page likes and twitter followers

Trick to increase facebook page likes and twitter followers

Do you have a twitter account?? want to increase followers?? do you have facebook fanpage??. want to get more likes in that??? i have a better solution for all your questions.Today i got a website from a friend which is really helpful to get more likes on facebook page and more follower on twitter. You don't need to promote facebook page anymore. This website is very good to increse facebook page likes within some minutes.
go to and create your account. You can also login with your twitter account. by doing this you will automatically add your twitter account.

Now add your facebook page to your account. This website works on the basis of seeds you have in your accounts for twitter and facebook page. for submit a form you will get 40 seeds for twitter. You can earn seeds for twitter by following others on twiends and for facebook page by liking other's facebook page on twiends. You can also buy seeds too in this website. Just try and watch the effect. It really works.


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